

One of our cats that we rescued. She came to us in an ice storm at Christmas time.




My teenage daughter thought it was cute to put him in a sweater. I don’t think he likes it. LOL!




Sleepy Kitty… she is so shy this is probably the only time i could get a good picture.



My Cuddle Bugs

They got cold so they covered themselves up. How cute, right?


Me and My Dog Mel

Just chillin’ in the yard.



Hubby (Ben) & Mel

“I help Daddy?” 50lbs lap dog. LOL



Stuffing a Puff Blanket

Saphira thinks she is helping Mom and Avery. They were helping to stuff a Puff Blanket.



My Son Jon

We went to see the Marvel exhibit in Philly. It was so cool. He had so much fun.


Founded in 2020

Welcome to our world of kreations. Here is a little about us and what we do. Hope you enjoy.

Hello, my name is Katt (spectral_cowgirl) and this is a blog my hubby Ben (spectral_cowboy) and I are starting together. He is an avid gamer and a 3d print developer. I am a crafter and a gamer. So, we thought we would mesh the three things together and this is what we cam up with. We share the work 50\50 and get input and inspiration from our 3 kids, 3 cats and 2 dogs. We will share our personal input and view points on games as well as our kreations (yes, I know that is spelled wrong).

We have been in each other’s lives for over 15years and married 10 of them! Yay us! We have one biological son who is 13. Omg teenagers…. Then there are our two “daughters”. They are really our nieces who live with us and we help to raise them. They are 4 and 16. Then there are the 3 cats who we have rescued. The one came to us one year at Christmas in an ice storm we had, we took her in and named her Joy. The other two are brother and sister named Onyx and Xena. They came from a friend who could no longer care for them and were 2 years old when we got them. Then we come to our two lovely dogs…shh just don’t tell them they think they are people…lol… We rescued the two of them. Miremel is a Pitbull who we got from a friend of ours, She is a bundle of energy and you may see her more often in videos and pictures as she likes to “help”. Saphira on the other hand is our poor old hound dog. We don’t know how old she is, but she has many health issues. She is blind in both eyes due to Glaucoma and has arthritis in both hind legs. This does not stop her from having her puppy moments thou.

I know full house, right? Well we love it and it keeps us busy. There is never a dull moment in our house but don’t fear this will not stop us from posting on a fairly regular schedule. The only thing that could slow us down is my hubby’s health. He has major back issues and is a cancer survivor. With these physical disabilities he also suffers from depression and anxiety. I only say this so if we do miss a post I will quickly update why, and you won’t be surprised. Also, if you follow us on Youtube and see him in pain this is why.

We wanted to share with you our story. This is just a snippit of us. Want to learn more read our blog or follow us on social media. We would love any and all support.